Chiswick Coffee Break ep 13 with Carlene Bender
Welcome to episode 13 of the Chiswick Coffee Break. I’m delighted to welcome Carlene Bender today as my latest guest.
Carlene is Director of Contactus, the business behind the Ealing Business Expo. Carlene has been offering marketing, advertising and promotional support for local small businesses and business-owners in Ealing and West London online, in print and in person since 2012.
Carlene has been working in the newspaper/magazine industry since 1989 with editing roles at national newspapers in her native Trinidad and Tobago as well as in St Lucia, Jamaica and the UK with titles including the Financial Times and RCNi (Nursing Standard Magazine). She also worked at the Commonwealth Secretariat as a Design Consultant when she first arrived in the UK in 2001.
Carlene is currently an Associate Lecturer at the University of West London teaching and tutoring at the award-winning Claude Littner Business School focusing on the usage of social media for e-business marketing.
Carlene lives in Ealing with her husband Yuri and 2 lovely sons. She has a love of cricket, Brentford FC (go the Bees) and Guns & Roses and clearly loves West London being a champion of local events, home-based businesses and shop-local campaigns.
Go grab a coffee and enjoy!
Links of interest: https://ealingbizexpo.co.uk/
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I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of my Chiswick Coffee Break Series. If you want to discuss any social media questions you may have, do get in touch.